Cold Roof

The HAUS Cold Roof system is an off-site manufactured roof consisting of a light weight Ultrapanel floor cassette as the base possessing horizontal insulation properties which can be flexed to meet our clients u-value requirements.

The main pitched roof structure consists of timber trusses which are mechanically fixed to the cassette eaves beam. For ease of transportation, they are delivered flat and then can be either lifted into the pitch position at ground or once placed on the wall plate.

The trusses come with roofing felt pre-installed making the roof watertight at the time of installation.

Mechanical and electrical equipment can also be installed on the floor cassette at ground level and lifted with the complete roof into place, in preparation for follow on trades reducing work content and removing safety hazards.

  • Watertight as installed
  • Speed of installation – 2/3 roofs installed in 1 day
  • 3 types of insulation in 3 different depths with an option for non-combustible materials
  • Meets future homes standards
  • Plant can be installed in the cassette at ground level and the plant area will be watertight from the start – avoiding sequencing issues
  • Continuity of thermal envelope between the wall and ceiling 0 psi value
  • Loft hatch can be pre-fitted
  • By craning in the entire roof the requirement to work at height is limited
  • No need for fall protection below roof reducing costs

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