Ultrapanel Accepted into Home Builders Federation

Ultrapanel Building Technologies, designer, and manufacturer of the award-winning Ultrapanel ‘room in the roof’ system, has been accepted into the highly prestigious Home Builders Federation.

The Home Builders Federation is the representative body of the home building industry in England and Wales, with member firms accounting for some 80% of all new homes built in England and Wales. The Federation works hard to ensure that senior politicians and Government officials are aware of housing issues and the challenges faced by its members, as well as ‘working with Government to ensure housing policies are introduced that facilitate housing supply, in a way that is workable for the industry’.

Commenting about the efficient roofing system’s recent acceptance into the Home Builders Federation, Ultrapanel Managing Director, John Hough, said: “We are delighted that Ultrapanel has been accepted into the Home Builders Federation. The HBF is highly respected, and our membership means that we are now a part of the most powerful and trusted voice for the building industry in speaking to government, politicians, and regulators. The work of the Home Builders Federation has become more important than ever since the pandemic began and we feel extremely proud to now be a part of this.”

Manufactured off-site and delivered as a flat packed ‘room in the roof’ kit, Ultrapanel’s innovative and accredited modern method of construction is the most efficient end to end way to build. Materials, manufacturing and labour are optimised to deliver structural and thermal performance in a much lighter, simpler and faster building system with a high-quality finish every time. Arriving palletised Ultrapanel is rapidly assembled and requires no heavy lifting equipment. Thanks to short call offs and a reliable, responsive supply chain the Ultrapanel ‘room in the roof’ delivers significant programme gains on busy sites. The system is future-proofed to meet new legislation requirements and as dormers and stairs can be placed anywhere in a house design, offers total design flexibility.

Find out more about the Ultrapanel ‘room in the roof’ system here.

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